This is the third installment in our series on Support Vector Machines (SVMs). The initial article explored SVMs in the context of linearly separable data, while the second delved into the use of kernel methods to address non-linear yet separable datasets. In this piece, we turn our attention to the application of SVMs to non-separable datasets, going beyond the mere absence of linear separability to tackle datasets that defy separation by non-linear features without resorting to overfitting.
As highlighted in the preceding articles, SVMs address a critical limitation of Perceptrons by identifying the optimal classifier that offers superior generalization. Yet, Perceptrons face another significant challenge: their inability to function with non-separable datasets, coupled with a lack of convergence guarantees. In contrast, SVMs, with slight modifications, can gracefully manage non-separability.
In our first article on SVMs, we observed that their strategy centers on identifying a hyperplane that maximizes the margin between classes, a key factor in their durability and generalization strength. This method stands in stark contrast to Perceptrons, which aim for any separating hyperplane without regard for separation quality.
The second article revealed how SVMs leverage the kernel trick to map data into higher-dimensional spaces, facilitating the separation of classes that are inseparable in the original feature space. This capability enables SVMs to form intricate, non-linear decision boundaries without the need for direct computation of high-dimensional transformations.
This article will demonstrate how, through the introduction of slack variables, SVMs broaden their scope to encompass datasets where perfect separation is unattainable. Slack variables introduce a level of tolerance for misclassification or margin constraint violations, allowing SVMs to negotiate the balance between decision boundary complexity and misclassification extent. This modification renders SVMs exceptionally capable, even amidst noise and overlapping class distribution.
Deep Dive into SVMs for Non-Separable Data
Following this - blog below we provide the five step recipe for SVMs for Non-Separable Data. When dealing with non-separable data, SVMs are adapted by introducing slack variables to allow for misclassification of training examples. This adaptation leads to the formulation of the hinge loss, which is central to the optimization of SVMs in non-separable cases. The Step 1 (obtaining the dataset and the features) are the same as the first two blog articles, so we directly start with Step 2 below.
Step 2: Linear Model and Polynomial Features
In non-separable datasets, the linear SVM model is extended by incorporating polynomial features or using kernel functions to project the data into a higher-dimensional space where a linear separation is possible. However, even with these extensions, perfect separation might not be achievable due to noise and overlaps in the data distribution. To accommodate this, slack variables (\(\xi_i\)) are introduced for each data point to measure the degree of misclassification.Step 3: Slack Variables and Hinge Loss
The introduction of slack variables \(\xi_i\) in the SVM optimization problem allows for a certain degree of misclassification or violation of the margin constraints. This modification is crucial for handling non-separable data, where a strict separation between classes might not be possible without incurring some errors. \[ \min_{w, b, \xi} \frac{1}{2} \|w\|^2 + C \sum_{i=1}^{M} \xi_i \] subject to \(y^{(i)}(w^T x^{(i)} + b) \geq 1 - \xi_i\) and \(\xi_i \geq 0\) for all \(i\).Below are a few comments about the formulation:
- In the formulation above, \(C\) is a regularization parameter that controls the trade-off between maximizing the margin (\(2/\|w\|\)) and minimizing the misclassification (\(\sum_{i=1}^{M} \xi_i\)).
- This formulation aims to minimize the norm of the weight vector \(w\) (which maximizes the margin) while also minimizing the sum of the slack variables \(\xi_i\), penalized by a regularization parameter \(C\). The slack variables \(\xi_i\) measure the degree to which each data point \(x^{(i)}\) is allowed to violate the margin constraint.
- Figure 1 illustrates the scenario very well. For any point where \(\xi_i = 0\), it means the point is perfectly classified by the SVM and there is no penalty for those elements \(i\). If \(\xi_i\) is between \(0\) and \(1\), it means that this is a margin violation, which means that it is on the correct side of the separating hyperplane (and correctly classified) but wrong side of the margin. If \(\xi_i > 1\), it is misclassified. Whenever \(\xi_i > 0\), the objective penalizes these misclassifications linearly.
- The regularization term \(\frac{1}{2} \|w\|^2\), which controls the complexity of the model by penalizing large weights and thereby encourages a larger margin.
- The hinge loss term \(C \sum_{i=1}^{M} \max(0, 1 - y^{(i)}(w^T x^{(i)} + b))\), which penalizes misclassifications and margin violations, with the regularization parameter \(C\) balancing the trade-off between margin size and classification error.
The Hinge loss is very similar to the Perceptron Loss. Figure 2 illustrates the difference between the (0/1) Loss, the Perceptron loss and the Hinge loss.
Step 4: Optimization with Hinge Loss
The hinge loss function for SVMs is defined as: \[ L_{\text{hinge}}(w, b) = \max(0, 1 - y^{(i)}(w^T x^{(i)} + b)) \] This loss function penalizes misclassified points and points within the margin, encouraging the model to correctly classify all points with a margin greater than 1. The optimization of the hinge loss involves minimizing this function with respect to the model parameters \(w\) and \(b\).Sub-Gradients of the Hinge Loss
The hinge loss is piecewise linear and not differentiable at \(1 - y^{(i)}(w^T x^{(i)} + b) = 0\), which necessitates the use of subgradients for optimization. The subgradient of the hinge loss with respect to \(w\) can be expressed as follows:
- For correctly classified points where \(1 - y^{(i)}(w^T x^{(i)} + b) \leq 0\), the function is flat, and the subgradient with respect to \(w\) is \(0\).
- For misclassified points or points within the margin (\(1 - y^{(i)}(w^T x^{(i)} + b) > 0\)), the subgradient with respect to \(w\) is \(-y^{(i)} x^{(i)}\), similar to the Perceptron loss case.
Subgradient Descent Algorithm for Hinge Loss
To minimize the hinge loss using subgradient descent, the algorithm iteratively updates the weights and bias based on the subgradient of the loss function at the current parameters. The update rules are:
- Initialize \(w\) and \(b\) to zeros or small random values.
- For each iteration, compute the subgradient of the hinge loss for each training example. Then, update \(w\) and \(b\) as follows: \[ w := w - \alpha \cdot g_w \] \[ b := b - \alpha \cdot g_b \] where \(g_w\) and \(g_b\) are the subgradients of the hinge loss with respect to \(w\) and \(b\), respectively, and \(\alpha\) is the learning rate.
- Repeat the update process until convergence criteria are met, such as a small change in the loss between iterations or reaching a maximum number of iterations.
Step 5: Evaluation and Inference
The inference is exactly the same as the Linear SVM case. Given the learnt model \((w, b)\), and given a test data instance \(x_{\text{test}}\), the predicted label is simply: \[ y_{\text{pred}} = \text{Sign}(w^T x_{\text{test}} + b) \] After computing the predicted labels for every test data instance, we compare it to the true labels using the evaluation metrics Accuracy, Precision/Recall, and F1 Score (as outlined in the Linear SVM case).The Role of (C) in SVM Hinge Loss Formulation
In the context of Support Vector Machines (SVMs) employing the hinge loss, the regularization parameter \(C\) plays a crucial role in determining the trade-off between maximizing the margin and minimizing the classification error. Specifically, \(C\) controls the penalty imposed on observations that violate the margin constraint, thereby influencing the flexibility and complexity of the decision boundary.
With a small \(C\), the model is less penalized for misclassifications, leading to a wider margin and a more simplistic model that may underfit the data. This setting prioritizes the maximization of the margin over the minimization of the classification error, potentially resulting in a model with higher bias but lower variance, favoring generalization overfitting to the training data. The bottom plot in Figure 3 illustrates a decision boundary obtained with a small \(C\) (larger margin and non-zero training error).
Conversely, a large \(C\) places a higher penalty on misclassifications, compelling the model to fit the training data more closely. This can result in a narrower margin and a more complex decision boundary that intricately separates the classes, potentially at the expense of overfitting. A larger \(C\) value thus emphasizes the importance of correctly classifying all training observations, even if it means compromising the margin width, leading to a model with lower bias but potentially higher variance. The top plot in Figure 3 is obtained with a large value of \(C\) resulting in a very small margin and zero training error.
In summary, the choice of \(C\) in SVMs with hinge loss formulation is pivotal in balancing the bias-variance trade-off. Selecting an appropriate \(C\) value is essential for achieving a model that generalizes well to unseen data, necessitating careful consideration and possibly hyperparameter tuning based on cross-validation performance.